Truckee Meadows Restoration Project- Phase 2 Construction
Project Description:
The project was initiated in 2010 when TRWC convened a partnership of 8 public and private landowners that collectively owned the entire wetland complex and ephemeral drainage (i.e. from the springs to the Truckee River). Working with that partnership, we completed a feasibility study and assessment, four years of pre-project monitoring, 100% restoration designs, and environmental compliance and permitting. In 2017, we completed phase 1 construction. Overall, this approach will slow surface water within the upstream meadow, enhancing that habitat and attenuating high flows. This promotes more natural hydrology in the downstream ephemeral channel, where the channel and floodplain enhancements will reduce sediment erosion and promote deposition before reaching the main stem Truckee River.
TMWA Benefit:
The project addresses TRF Grant Priorities:
II. Watershed Improvements. The project will decrease sedimentation to the Truckee River and support attainment of the a 303(d) listed TMDL pollutant to the Truckee River.
III. Local Stormwater Improvements. Due it is urban surroundings, the project site receives stormwater inputs from adjacent roads, residential, and commercial developments. The project’s approach and engineered solutions will provide natural treatments for those inputs before reaching the main stem of the Truckee River.
VII. Meet Multiple Objectives. The project meets the watershed and water quality objectives listed above. It also benefits wetland and instream habitat, native fish and wildlife species, flood attenuation, and carbon sequestration.
VIII. Leverage Stakeholder Assets and Participation. The project has leveraged stakeholder participation and assets from the outset. Project partners (public agencies, governments, and private landowners) were critical in starting and funding this project. All have contributed cost-share to the project (total $300,000) and participated for 7 years.