Grant #246

Bear Creek Lower Meadow Restoration Project – Phase 2 Construction

Project Description:

The goals of the Bear Creek Lower Meadow Restoration Project are to restore channel and meadow functions, enhance meadow hydrology and habitat, reduce sources of instream sediment from bank erosion, and promote aggradation within the incised channel. A primary result of the project is reduced sedimentation to the main stem of the Truckee River.

The measurable outcomes of this project are:

  • Restore 30 acres of montane meadow
  • Restore 3,000 feet of incised channel within Bear Creek
  • Reduce 20 tons of sediment per year

These outcomes will be monitored via the project’s pre/post project monitoring program, which includes groundwater, surface water, vegetation, and rapid assessment parameters.

TMWA Benefit:

Watershed Improvements: If fully implemented, the project will decrease sedimentation by 20 tons per year to the mainstem Truckee River and support attainment of the TMDL for Truckee River. Restoration will enhance watershed function and habitat by reducing erosion, restoring sensitive ecosystems.

Local Stormwater Improvements: The project site receives stormwater inputs from adjacent roads, residential, and commercial developments. The project’s approach and engineered solutions provide natural treatments for those inputs before reaching the main stem of the Truckee River.

Meet Multiple Objectives: The project meets the watershed and water quality objectives listed above. It also benefits meadow, riparian, and in‐stream habitat, native fish and wildlife species, and carbon sequestration.

Leverage Stakeholder Assets and Participation: The projects leverage significant stakeholder participation and cost share from USFS. They were critical in designing this project, completing environmental compliance, and contributing cost‐share. Additional stakeholder input and prioritization is documented in the Bear Creek Watershed Assessment as well as in the Truckee River TMDL (LRWQCB, 2008).