Grant #241

Restoration: Coldstream Canyon and Bear Creek

Project Description:

The project will Fill critical funding gaps in two restoration projects: the Coldstream Canyon Sediment Reduction Project and the Bear Creek Lower Meadow Restoration Project. Both projects will support the Truckee River TMDL by reducing excess sedimentation and improving hydrologic connectivity and watershed functionality.

The overall goal is to reduce erosion and excess sedimentation to the main stem Truckee River by:

1) Restoring impaired meadow/wetland systems on key tributaries to the Truckee River, and

2) Correcting drainage on improperly constructed roadways on the same key tributaries.

TMWA Benefit:

Watershed Improvements: The projects will decrease sedimentation and support attainment of the TMDL for Truckee River. Restoration will enhance watershed function and habitat by reducing erosion, restoring sensitive ecosystems and by decommissioning and restoring dirt roads.

  • Local Stormwater Improvements: Extensive road networks within Coldstream Canyon have led to an increase in stormwater and associated pollutants entering the Truckee River. The project will increase hydrologic connectivity and on-site infiltration. Both the Coldstream Canyon and the Bear Creek projects will significantly enhance floodplain connectivity that will reduce impacts of excessive erosion to the Truckee River.
  • Meet Multiple Objectives: The projects meet the objectives listed above. They also benefit meadow, riparian, and in-stream habitat, native fish and wildlife species, and carbon sequestration.
  • Leverage Stakeholder Assets and Participation: Both projects leverage significant stakeholder participation and cost share from USFS and CDPR. Additional stakeholder input and prioritization is documented in the Coldstream Canyon (TRWC 2007) and the Bear Creek Watershed Assessment as well as in the Truckee River TMDL (LRWQCB, 2008).