Truckee River Corridor Management Plan
This grant supports the effort towards the development for the Truckee River Corridor Management Plan. The plan will focus on the cleanup of trash, debris and litter above the Glendale Treatment plant to the Chalk Bluff Treatment plant. The plan will focus on current and immediate needs for cleanup as well as long term sustainable mechanisms that can be put into place to maintain a clean, safe, aesthetic river environment as well as the protection of water quality for the community drinking water supply and the environment. On the long term this plan will hold regularly scheduled meetings of the core stakeholder group to ensure success of this planning effort to continue to implement, monitor and be accountable to management of the Truckee River for the benefit of water quality and the pride of the community.
TMWA Benefit:
This program provides water quality benefits to TMWA through the removal of potential contaminants upstream of TMWA treatment plant intakes.