River Restroom Project lead by One Truckee River (OTR)
*Note: Funding is subject to OTR securing a funding partner to fund O&M and Outreach costs.
Project Description:
The River Restroom Project’s (the Project) goal is to improve the Truckee River and Pyramid Lake’s water quality by the establishment and support of 19 public restrooms along the Tahoe- Pyramid Trail, which follows the Truckee River for 114 miles from Lake Tahoe to Pyramid Lake. Since 2018, OTR’s core staff has focused on supporting collaborations with local government entities and nonprofits to increase public restrooms along the Truckee River. From that work these short-term goals emerged to support the Project: I) Expand the Project concept to garner more support, 2) Provide outreach and connection with currently homeless river users, and 3) Grow One Truckee River to build capacity and engage with residents along the river.
The measurable Project outcomes are to:
- Finalize the River Restroom Project Plan with key stakeholders by:
- Securing at least two more key partners who will financially support the Project
- Developing and implementing a strategic communication plan
- Conducting a series of OTR partner retreats and meetings to build capacity and develop metrics to track OTR’s phase one management plan’s level of success
- Increase the understanding and respect for the Truckee River from Brodhead to John Champion parks by engaging with currently homeless river users and local residents within a one-mile radius of Brodhead Park. This work will aim to:
- Decrease the trash within that area
- Understand the perspectives of currently homeless river users and local residents surrounding river related issues and share this information with the OTR partnership
- Increase participation in OTR Month, river walks, and Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB) river cleanups
- Increase OTR followers (newsletter subscribers, Facebook, Twitter, and lnstagram) by 200% by:
- Directing OTR AmeriCorps to be present at river-related events to encourage residents to follow OTR in real-time with incentive
- Collaborate with other entities to lead public river-related events
- Deepen relationships with key partners to utilize their audiences to promote OTR efforts
TMWA Benefit:
- Stewardship and Environmental Awareness: The Project is developing connections in the region to increase the understanding and engagement of the Truckee River ecosystem and related issues. Engagement will focus on nurturing a respect for the river. It will utilize KTMB’s Watershed Warriors and (to be developed) river education focused on supporting the Project. The goal is to increase awareness of river-related issues and increase OTR followers. Connections will develop or increase within these populations;
- The currently homeless river users from Brodhead to John Champion parks
- Local residents within a mile radius of Brodhead Park
- Downtown residents from Mayberry to Rock parks
- Followers of key OTR partners
- Participants who attend river events
The Project will also support KTMB’s River Clean-Up to cover Brodhead to John Champion parks, OTR Month, neighborhood river walks, hosting a collaborative event with Truckee Meadows Tomorrow, work with Change Point to enhance needle return, work with Turning Point to build OTR capacity and develop trackable metrics for OTR success.
VII. Meet Multiple Objectives: The Project’s short-term goals will…
- Support the establishment of a new restroom along the Truckee River, which will support the long-term goal to meet the total restroom need from Tahoe to Pyramid. With the restroom need met, all river users will be able to urinate and defecate in the proper facilities instead of along the river banks entering the region’s drinking water source
- Create opportunities to connect with residents by utilizing KTMB’s Watershed Warriors education and supporting this education to incorporate Project goals
- Develop a connection with the currently homeless river users to foster an increased respect for the river and build a stronger network from this subculture to the OTR partnership
VIII. Leverage Stakeholder Assets and Participation: One Truckee River will …
- Align the Project’s goals with these key Project partners: TMW A, NL T, and KTMB
- Recognize, honor, and work to leverage past TRF support of OTR and KTMB
- Work to engage additional partners to align with the Project: Tahoe-Pyramid Trail, Downtown Reno Partnership, and Renown Health
- Engage with other nonprofits to explore collaboration and possible partnership: Change Point, Community Health Alliance, Truckee Meadows Tomorrow, and Crossroads