Grant #254

One Truckee River (OTR)

Project Description:

One Truckee River’s (OTR’s) proposed Brodhead Park Restoration Project: Phase 1 (the Project) will plan a restoration Project at Brodhead Park (park) that will address critical issues facing the Truckee River, including impaired water quality (total dissolved solids [TDS] and temperature), erosion, wildlife habitat needs, and hydrological resiliency. Goals and outcomes are aimed at addressing specific needs for the park and will also inform the overall OTR-coordinated Vegetation Management Master Planning effort underway that is funded by Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and administrated by Nevada Land Trust (NLT). Lessons learned through the proposed Project will have far-reaching implications and benefits for future restoration projects along the mainstem of the Truckee River within Nevada (NV). The Project will further improve the physical environment at the park, supporting the OTR River Restroom Project and Washoe County/Karma Box Project River Stewards Program efforts underway at and nearby the park.

OTR is proposing to plan a pilot restoration Project at Brodhead Park, which directly complements the OTR Vegetation Management Master Planning effort that is aimed at developing a Framework Vegetation Management and Restoration Plan (Framework Plan) for the urban stretch of the Truckee River, within the Reno-Sparks urban core of NV. In conjunction with development of the Framework Plan, OTR’s contractors (SWCA Environmental Consultants [SWCA] and Resource Concepts, Inc [RCI]) are developing support tools (regulatory matrix, web map tool, vegetation management strategies planning tool, etc.) to assist in development of implementation-level restoration plans. The proposed Project would be the first of many implementation-level plans and complement the master planning effort.

The restoration Project will be completed in three phases. OTR is only applying for grant funding through the Truckee River Fund for Phase 1 (Phases 1a and 1b) at this time. Details of Phases 1a and 1b are detailed in the sections below. (The cost for Phases 2 and 3 has not been calculated, as the scope of those phases will depend on the outcomes of Phase 1. However, estimated ranges of costs for Phases 2 and 3 are provided below.) The three phases for this restoration Project are the following:

  • Phase 1a will develop a 30% (conceptual) restoration plan, in coordination with OTR and City of Reno, with solicitation of agency input on design ideas and permitting needs and public input on river access.
  • Phase 1b will include preliminary implementation planning efforts to help identify sources for labor and materials (from OTR’s partners) to streamline implementation efforts and costs.
  • Phase 2 will develop a finalized restoration plan at a sufficient level of engineering design to complete a finalized implementation cost estimate and for the Project to go to construction (Phase 3). Phase 2 will also include obtainment of final agency permits/approvals and finalizing sources for labor and materials (in coordination with OTR’s partners). The estimated cost is $42,000 to $85,000; costs are dependent on the regulatory requirements and design needs identified during Phase 1.
  • Phase 3 will cover the restoration implementation process, including site preparation, installation of channel stabilization/bioengineering materials, installation of plant materials, and labor for installation. The estimated cost is $45,000 to $100,000; costs are dependent upon design elements, final permitting requirements, materials/labor provided through the in-kind support, and the outcomes of Phases 1 and 2.

TMWA Benefit:

This proposed Project will address the following TRF grant priorities:

  1. Watershed Improvements: The Project will create an implementable restoration plan that will address critical water quality issues along the urban stretch of the Truckee River in Nevada. The final restoration plan for the park will be directly implementable and address impaired water quality (TDS, temperature) within an impaired section of the Truckee River. Establishment of riparian vegetation and bank stabilization implemented in this Project will reduce erosion (and TDS). Increased river shading will address elevated water temperature and increase hydrological resiliency.

III. Local Stormwater Improvements: The Project will develop a restoration plan to establish riparian vegetation along the urban stretch of the Truckee River. The restoration plan for the park will identify vegetation species and bank stabilization measures that increase infiltration and capture stormwater runoff (and associated non-point source pollution) within the Project area, which will also inform future projects.

  1. Re-Forestation and Re-Vegetation Projects: The Project will develop and implement a restoration plan that establishes riparian trees and groundcover along the urban stretch of the Truckee River. The proposed restoration plan for the park will increase riparian forest health along the urban stretch of the river. Healthy riparian vegetation provides shade supporting increased resilience to wildfire, and wildlife habitat.
  2. Stewardship and Environmental Awareness: During all Project phases (including restoration implementation), OTR will engage with the local community to build stakeholders in the neighborhood to support the Project after implementation. Phase 1a will solicit input from the community on river access. Future implementation will engage the public through volunteer activities and outreach with local residents.

VII. Meet Multiple Objectives: This proposed Project addresses multiple goals and objectives from OTR Management Plan (OTRM Plan) and associated prioritized action items that align with TRF’s funding priorities. This Project addresses OTRM Plan Goal 1: Ensure and protect water quality and ecosystem health in the Truckee River; OTRM Plan Objective 1.4: Create a rich and diverse vegetative ecosystem; OTRM Plan Objective 1.4.b: Create an approved vegetative species list to increase biodiversity and shading on lands along the Truckee River; and OTRM Plan Objective 1.4.c: Develop and implement a coordinated vegetation management plan along the river corridor.

VIII. Leverage Stakeholder Assets and Participation: The proposed restoration plan complements the development of the Framework Vegetation Management and Restoration Plan and associated tools. OTR’s vision for the Framework Plan (being implemented through the BOR WaterSMART grant Project) is to create a document that is a “cookbook” for planning implementable restoration plans. By developing this pilot restoration implementation plan and executing that plan, the Project team will be able to test out “recipes” to ensure the Framework Plan and tools are effective. This planning effort will capitalize on and grow existing partnerships. Through the OTR Framework Vegetation Management and Restoration Plan development effort, OTR has formed a vegetation management technical working group (TWG), which includes federal/local government, agency, non-profit, private industry, and local resident representatives. This group is working to identify opportunities to share resources and seek funding to plan and implement restoration projects along the urban stretch of the Truckee River. This proposed Project will leverage OTR’s existing vegetation management planning efforts. As a pilot Project, this effort will allow troubleshooting of restoration planning and implementation challenges, so that land managers can more quickly, easily, and cost-effectively execute future projects along the urban stretch of the Truckee River. Completing this pilot Project in tandem with the Framework Plan development will ensure the Framework Plan is as impactful as possible and will serve as a catalyst for future restoration projects.