Donner Creek Concept Designs
The goal of the Donner Creek Concept Designs project is to complete 60% designs for three restoration projects that will improve water quality and habitat along Donner Creek, and decrease sedimentation reaching the Truckee River. TMDL Monitoring completed by the Truckee River Watershed Council (TRWC) concludes that this reach of Donner Creek is in the top three sedimentation dischargers within the Town of Truckee to the Truckee River. The three projects support implementation of the Middle Truckee River TMDL through environmental restoration of river banks and wetlands, and improved instream habitat.
TMWA Benefit:
This program satisfies the TRF Grant Priorities II, III, VI, VI and VIII – Watershed Improvements, Local Stormwater Improvements, Stewardship and Environmental Awareness, Multiple Objectives, and Leverage Stakeholder Assets, and Participation. The purpose is to reduce erosion, mitigate stormwater runoff in multiple urbanized reaches of Donner Creek, and engage a valuable stakeholder in order to reduce sedimentation and improve water quality in the Truckee River, a 303(d) listed watershed with an approved TMDL (Lahontan Water Board, 2008).