Cloud Seeding Project for Tahoe & Truckee Basins
Continued cloud seeding efforts for the 2012 water year for the Tahoe and Truckee Basins. Cloud seeding generators will be readied for action at five different locations. The generators will be activated during storm events with predictable snowfall.
The 2011 program was estimated to be very successful with an estimated increase of 11,120 acre-feet of additional snow water created from TRF sponsored cloud seeding. This was less than the estimated 20,000 acre-feet generated in 2010 due to suspension of cloud seeding due to above normal snowpack.
TMWA Benefit:
The cloud seeding program benefits TMWA’s overall water supply and helps to preserve drought storage held in upstream reservoirs. TMWA funding also helps to retain trained staff which, without continued funding, would most likely leave the area.