Grant #189

Big Chief: F4M Restoration Culvert Outflows

The goal of the Big Chief: F4M Restoration (First 4 Mile) Culvert Outflows project is to complete design of outflows from 34 culverts. The project will ultimately improve water quality and habitat along the main stem Truckee River, and decrease sedimentation reaching the Truckee River. The Middle Truckee River watershed is listed as Clean Water Act impaired by sediment by the U.S. EPA, with an approved TMDL (Lahontan Water Board, 2008). Outcomes of the project are final restoration design plans that coordinate and complement engineering plans for the reconstruction of the Truckee River Bike Tail.


TMWA Benefit:

This program satisfies the TRF Grant Priorities II, VI, VII, and VIII:

Watershed Improvements: The project will decrease sedimentation, the 303(d) listed TMDL pollutant to Truckee River in the First 4 Miles (F4M) below Tahoe Dam.

Stewardship and Environmental Awareness: The project is located adjacent to the very popular and heavily used Truckee River Bike Trail. Interpretative and acknowledgement signage are planned and funded to explain the role of erosion in harming water quality and habitat.

Meet Multiple Objectives: The project meets the two objectives listed above. The project also benefits meadow, riparian, and in-stream habitat, and the fish and wildlife using those habitats.

Leverage Stakeholder Assets and Participation: Stakeholders’ prioritization of this reach of the Truckee River is documented in the Truckee River Corridor Access Plan (Placer County, 2006), and the Tributaries Assessment (Truckee River Watershed Council and U.S. Forest Service, 2017).