Donner Creek Bank Stabilization Downstream of Railroad Culvert Final Design
Just downstream of an existing railroad culvert, the right bank of Donner Creek and hillslope above show severe erosion. This is likely caused by the railroad culvert directing high velocity flows at the soft soils of the bank. The project will create final designs to re-profile the bank and stabilize the area with a combination of large wood, rock, erosion control fabric, revegetation with native, drought tolerant grasses and sedges and riparian plantings. This will stabilize a severely eroding stream bank, thus largely eliminating one of the largest sources of fine sediment to the downstream-most portion of Donner Creek. Additionally, it will enhance riparian habitat and, depending on design, improve in-stream habitat.
Final Design
Based on the findings of the Donner Basin Assessment and the associated project concept, the final project design will include access, stockpile, and staging locations; grading quantity estimates; revegetation plan; erosion prevention plan; and materials, equipment, and cost estimates. Restoration design will include estimates of sediment reduction and wetland gains.
TMWA Benefit:
This program satisfies the TRF Grant Priorities II, III, and VII – Watershed Improvements, Local Stormwater Improvements, and Meet Multiple Objectives. The purpose is to reduce erosion and mitigate stormwater runoff in an urbanized reach of Donner Creek, thus reducing sedimentation and improving water quality in the Truckee River, a 303(d) listed watershed, with an approved TMDL for sedimentation.