Grant #239

2021 Spring Great Community Cleanup, 2021 Fall Truckee River Cleanup, Adopt-A-River & Adult Outreach and Education

Project Description:

KTMB supports a clean and invasive weed-free community by educating and informing residents and visitors about the importance of maintaining a healthy river and watershed by removing litter and invasive weeds. Local park staff report that weed removal is often the most challenging aspect of their job. With current staff reductions, the incorporation of weed removal prior to weed seeding in the spring is vital and aligns perfectly with the timing of KTMB’s Great Community Cleanup. The cleanup is designed to address both the direct and immediate presence of weeds, litter and nonpoint pollution runoff, and the underlying causes of these challenges by educating and engaging the community. The cleanups have shown to save tax payers money.

TMWA Benefit:

This project supports the TRF Grant Priorities V, V1, VII and VIII – Support to Rehabilitation of Local Tributary Creeks and Drainage Courses, Stewardship and Environmental Awareness, Meet Multiple Objectives, and Leverage Stakeholder Assets and Participation. KTMB educates and informs residents and visitors about the importance of maintaining a healthy river; how noxious weeds negatively affect native plant communities, habitats and watershed; how litter and pollution are harmful to human health, wildlife, the local environment and economy; and collaborates to create a cleaner community while saving taxpayer dollars.